February 1st - 28th

Happy Valentine's Day

March 1st - 31st


Shipping Timeline

Dispatch: 3-5 business days

Transit Time for USA Ground Shipping: 2-14 days

Your order will typically be processed within 3-5 business days before being dispatched. We ship orders exclusively on business days.

Note: Once your order has shipped, shipping fees are non-refundable.

Order Modifications

We strive to process your orders promptly, and as a result, changes to your order may not be possible. However, we can update a shipping address or cancel an order if necessary. Please note, we cannot add, remove, or swap items in an order once it has entered the fulfillment process. Customers are responsible for the return shipping of any unwanted items.

Fulfillment Process

The first step in our fulfillment process is to pack your order. When your order status is updated to "Fulfilled," it means we have printed the shipping label and packing slip, and your order is being processed through our warehouse. After fulfillment, your order will be in the "Pending Pickup" stage by the carrier. We will email you the tracking number near the estimated pickup date. The tracking number will show a pending status until the carrier scans the package at their nearest shipping hub.

Note: If USPS indicates an emergency delay while your package is in the "Pending Pickup" stage, please be assured that this does not reflect any issues at our warehouse.

Tracking Orders & Shipping FAQs

Once your order ships, a tracking number will be created. To receive tracking updates, please provide a valid email address. Creating an account on our website, while not required, will simplify the tracking process.

Increased Transit Time

We appreciate your patience as all carriers are currently experiencing increased package volumes and staffing shortages. Transit times may be extended, and there may be delays without updated tracking scans. Packages may not be scanned at every transit point. We allow up to 14 days for transit before a package is considered lost and eligible for replacement if it has stopped scanning.

Undeliverable Packages

If your package is returned to The Tea House due to an incorrect address or if it was unclaimed, we will gladly reship it for a fee of $5.50. If the package is refused by the recipient, a $6.00 restocking fee will be deducted from the refund amount.

Thank you for your understanding and for shopping with The Tea House on Los Rios. We are committed to providing you with the best service possible.
